
Autocomplete function of input field.


import { AutoComplete } from 'rsuite';

// or
import AutoComplete from 'rsuite/AutoComplete';




Custom Render Item

Disabled and read only

Combined with InputGroup




Property Type(Default) Description
classPrefix string ('auto-complete') The prefix of the component CSS class
data * ItemDataType[] | string[] The data of component
defaultValue string Default value
disabled boolean Whether disabled select
filterBy (value: string, item: ItemDataType) => boolean Custom filter rules (will only display items that value is a substring of which by default)
menuClassName string A css class to apply to the Menu DOM
onChange (value:string, event) => void Called when select an option or input value change, or value of input is changed
onClose () => void Callback fired when hidden
onEnter () => void Callback fired before the overlay transitions in
onEntered () => void Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning in
onEntering () => void Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition in
onExit () => void Callback fired right before the overlay transitions out
onExited () => void Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning out
onExiting () => void Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition out
onSelect (item: ItemDataType, event) => void Called when a option is selected.
placeholder ReactNode The placeholder of input
renderMenu (menu:ReactNode) => ReactNode Customizing the Rendering Menu list
renderMenuItem (label:ReactNode, item: ItemDataType) => ReactNode Custom render menu items
selectOnEnter boolean (true) When set to false, the Enter key selection function is invalid
value string Value (Controlled)


interface ItemDataType {
  /** The value of the option corresponds to the `valueKey` in the data. **/
  value: string;

  /** The content displayed by the option corresponds to the `labelKey` in the data. **/
  label: ReactNode;

   * The data of the child option corresponds to the `childrenKey` in the data.
   * Properties owned by tree structure components, such as TreePicker, Cascader.
  children?: ItemDataType[];

   * Properties of grouping functional components, such as CheckPicker, InputPicker
  groupBy?: string;

   * The children under the current node are loading.
   * Used for components that have cascading relationships and lazy loading of children. E.g. Cascader, MultiCascader
  loading?: boolean;
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